that the Phuket Vegetarian Festival starts on September 28th this year. We have to go. How can we not? There's gruesome acts of devotion to be seen and tasty veg food to sample.
A radical roller coaster ride to Haad Rin had me grabbing for a plastic bag on arrival (managed to keep my breaky down but nausea and extreme heat are a bad combo believe me).
We have a few days here before flying to Phuket on Friday. Hopefully the little stingy things in the water have gone now, they were yuck.
We'll have to come back over this way for more diving later in the season. We did a two-dive day yesterday to Sail Rock, a famous dive spot between Tao and Phangan. There were loads of friendly schools of fish and it was pretty cool to drift beside a group of large barracuda (a good metre in length) for a while but unfortunately the visibility was crap (2-3 metres in some spots). I think we'll stick with snorkeling until late October. Anyone wanna join us on a live aboard dive trip?
HAHA I remember that road last time I was there, I got half way up on my bike and turned around after driving past 3 whiteys who had falling off into the ditch!
Yeh, thank goodness the roads are a lot better than they were before but still a bit sketchy. Bandaged whiteys are spotted daily. It's so steep in some spots, I had to jump off the bike the other night cause we couldn't make it up the hill! Damn that bbq'd chicken!
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