I'm trying really hard not to get too excited about our departure because it seems to make time stand still (even though it's only six more sleeps, 5 days, 9 hours and... I'm not soooo much of a freak to work out minutes and seconds, nor is my fuzzy brain able to cope with that sort of mathematical equation right now!)
There are loads of things I'll miss about New Zealand but the main one is the comfort of my friends and family. I think this is the thing I will struggle with most.
My only survival strategy at this point is to block it out completely, which seems to work a treat (most of the time). I've been trying super hard not to think about leaving my darling kitties, but as time creeps by, it's becoming quite difficult.
My other plan is to keep busy which shouldn't be a problem, seen as though there still seems to be two hundred and seventy three things left to do on our list and three new things appearing for every one we cross off!
Wish me luck!
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